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01 May 2006
Raikan Mama

By Nurmaya

Sama ada anda memanggilnya mama, mummy, ibu, emak atau umi - maknanya tetap sama - insane yang melahirkan dan membelai setiap daripada kita dengan penuh kasih saying. Sempena Hari Ibu, kami raikan erti kasih sayang untuk ibu daripada dua artis terkemuka serta pengorbanan tiga orang ibu yang berbeza latar belakangnya.

Kata Syed Azmir Syed Azman, 22 tahun, tentang ibunya Cik Rashimah, 40 tahun.

"Ibu saya banyak menyokong saya dalam segala kegiatan saya. Dari saya mahu bermain bola sepak dengan serius dan sekarang saya mahu bernyanyi, dia sokong. Dia satu-satunya orang yang saya boleh bergantung jika saya mempunyai masalah, tidak kira, masalah temanita ke. Saya boleh memberitahunya apa sahaja. Jika saya sembunyikan sesuatu, dia mesti tahu."

This is an unofficial website. Team members are in no way related to the Anugerah 2005 finalists nor do we have their personal contact information. We are all fans like many others and this website is just a tribute to the 4 finalists. Informations, videos and photos placed here are purely based on our media findings and our on-site coverage of any events associated. You may link us up and share this website with friends but no redistribution of its contents without permission. Have fun browsing and enjoy your stay!

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Since 9 June 2006

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NOTE: Requests for personal contacts and informations of the 4 finalists will not be entertained.

>> Grand Ambitions
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>> He wants to make it big in M'sia
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>> Jejaka Anugerah Bingit!
>> Manja Paling Manja
>> Makcik's scream is tops
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>> Hai Khai!
>> Muzika Ekstravaganza

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