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01 October 2005
Peserta Anugerah Gempar!
By Nurmaya Alias
Buat pertama kali, 12 peserta Anugerah yang berjaya ke peringkat suku akhir akan mengadakan sesi gambar dan wawancara mereka dengan Manja. Ghairah sungguh mereka untuk melihat diri di majalah, tetapi mestilah bekerja keras dahulu.
Bukan berlatih menyanyi tetapi ber-"posing" di depan kamera dan menjawab soalan untuk pembaca. Mereka yang datang awal terpaksa menunggu rakan-rakan lain selesai sesi fotografi. Barulah, tiba giliran mereka "pose" secara bertiga.
Sambil menanti, ada yang menyanyi dan berkongsi lirik lagu. Peserta Anugerah tahun ini semakin muda, semuda 16 tahun.
Dan, Khairul Anuar, salah seorang peserta sungguh bertuah kerana menerima
sokongan padat daripada pelajar-pelajar Politeknik Singapura. Mereka telah melancarkan Kempen E-mel, Kempan Flyer "Undi Khairul" dan Roadshow Khairul untuk memastikan Khairul muncul sebagai juara Anugerah.
Namun, peserta lain tentu mempunyai peminat mereka tersendiri. Lihat sahaja semasa pertandingan Anugerah. Sejurus pengacara mengumumkan bahawa talian SMS sudah dibuka, peminat dengan cepatnya menghantar SMS pada peserta kegemaran mereka. Anugerah
bakal menutup tirai. Mari kami tampilkan rancangan selanjut mereka dalam industri hiburan tempatan.
Khairul Anuar Mohamed Nawar
Umur: 20 tahun
Status: Pelajar Media dan Komunikasi
Sebab menyertai Anugerah...
Kerana saya percaya saya mempunyai bakat. Saya memang ingin menjadi seorang penghibur dan ini merupakan pentas untuk menceburi industri ini.
Peranan anda dalam industri hiburan...
Pasaran muzik di Singapura kecil. Artis Singapura perlu bekerja keras untuk mengenalkan muzik mereka. Saya ingin cuba mengenalkan muzik tempatan pada negeri lain. Ini merupakan satu cabaran bagi saya.
Glamor atau kerja keras...
Kerja keras kerana orang lain akan lebih menghargai kerja keras. Glamor hanya sesuatu yang istimewa yang akan muncul setelah saya bekerja keras.
Mohd Khairil Mohd Yusoff
Umur: 22 tahun
Status: Tidak bekerja
Sejauh mana anda ingin melangkah dalam industri hiburan...
Beberapa syarikat rakaman mahu saya merakamkan lagu tetapi saya akan mempertimbangkannya dahulu.
Anda bakal menjadi Fuad Rahman...
Sebagai seorang penyanyi...
Saya telah menyanyi untuk beberapa waktu apabila saya menyertai pertandingan Kelab Masyarakat dan majlis perkahwinan.
Mohd Fauzie Laily Ramlaili
Umur: 20 tahun
Status: Pelajar Politeknik Temasek
Anda akan berhenti kerjaya bagus untuk menyanyi...
Lihat pada keadaan. Kalau boleh memperbaiki cara kehidupan, saya akan mempertimbangkan.
Personaliti atau imej di atas pentas...
Personaliti. Daripada personaliti,imej di atas pentas boleh digilap. Saya ni peramah,outgoing dan kadang-kadang, tak tahu malu. Har..har..Kadang-kadang aje.
Jika anda diundang oleh seorang DJ untuk memperkenalkan diri
anda,bagaimanakah anda melakukannya?
(dalam nada berlagu) "Helo, pendengar-pendengar, nama saya Fauzie
Laili. Teruskan bersama DJ...".
Syed Amir Syed Azman
Umur: 21 tahun
Status: Perkhidmatan Negara
Sejauh mana anda mahu melangkah dalam industri hiburan?
Sejauh mana boleh kerana saya mahu menjadi seorang penyanyi.
Anda bakal menjadi idola Singapura...
Tidak tahu. Saya memang suka menyanyi lagu Inggeris.
Anda boleh menjadi popular dengan pantas jika anda keluar dating dengan
seorang selebriti. Anda mahu keluar dengan...
Agnes Monica. Dia bergaya, comel dan mempunyai rupa gadis yang saya mahu. Ha..ha...
More scans: Fauzie & Khairil, Azmir

Khairul By a Whisker
The New Paper
By Eri Akbar
Another S'pore Poly undergrad wins singing competition. He pips hot favourite Syed Azmir to take Anugerah's top prize
SINGAPORE Polytechnic should start a course in entertainment to groom talents.
SINGAPORE Polytechnic should start a course in entertainment to groom talents.
It has already produced Singapore Idol winner Taufik Batisah and Project Superstar runner-up Kelly Poon.
Last night, it had another reason to cheer as Khairul Anuar was declared the winner of Anugerah.
The 20-year-old is a final-year media and communications student at the polytechnic.
It was a close fight between Khairul and hot favourite Syed Azmir at the final of the Suria singing contest held at MediaCorp TV theatre.
Only 900-odd votes separated them.
Viewers' SMS votes accounted for half of the total scores. The judges' 50 per cent contribution was kept confidential.
Khairul won with 12,994 votes, while Azmir came in second with 12,075 votes. The other two finalists were Khairil Yusoff and Fauzie Laily.
Khairul told The New Paper: 'I'm shocked that I won because I'm not exactly the most popular guy.'
Indeed, Khairul was placed third during the semi-final. Halfway through the final last night, he was still lagging behind Azmir in the number of votes.
At that point, Khairul's crestfallen face was caught on camera.
He admitted: 'If I say I wasn't sad, I'd be lying. But I told myself to concentrate on giving my best and not worry about anything else.'
And so, Khairul triumphed with his 'unique' style and 'faultless' performance - comments made by judges Najip Ali and Iskandar Mirza Ismail respectively - displayed in his solo rendition of the song Katakanlah by Malaysian singer Hazami.
His gentle and effeminate ways proved to be a hit with the audience.
Local entertainer Najip wondered whether Khairul's style would appeal to the mainstream audience during the contest.
Najip told The New Paper later: 'People usually expect a male singer to be stereotypically manly.
'But it's good they see Khairul's style as being unique.'
Another judge, local singer Rahimah Rahim, felt that Khairul's high-pitched voice gave him the edge.
For example, Khairul was able to sing Menaruh Harapan by female singer Zaiton Sameon during the semi-finals.
Rahimah added: 'He's versatile, like the late Malaysian singer Sudirman.
'Like I said (during the contest), he'll go very far.'
Judge Edry Halim of Malaysian band KRU felt that Khairul could have done better, but he also felt that Khairul stood out.
After Khairul's solo performance, Edry, who was the most critical, told viewers to 'vote wisely'.
Edry explained later: 'I thought it was the right time to remind viewers that talent, which Khairul had shown, counts.'
The fifth judge was local musician Nor Eddy Ali.
It helped that Khairul had ardent supporters.
During the final, his camp of 50 - mostly his schoolmates - turned up in red attire and placards.
Every time Khairul appeared on stage, they filled the theatre with their deafening screams. They were seen keying their handphones throughout the show.
Khairul also had strong backing from his alma mater.
Singapore Polytechnic's website not only rallied support for Khairul, but the school also sent out e-mails to its staff and students asking for votes in Khairul's favour.
It even staged a special concert for Khairul to showcase his singing prowess on campus.
Khairul truly earned his win. In local composer Iskandar Mirza Ismail's words, he put up a 'faultless performance'.
Viewer Mariam Salim was swayed by Khairul during the final.The 28-year-old part-time nurse said: 'It was the first time I voted for him. He's not like any other singers I've seen.'