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28 September 2005
It's Down to these Fabulous 4
The New Paper
By Eri Akbar

Single, talented and good-looking, these four finalists of Suria's singing contest Anugerah will meet for the final showdown on Thursday. But first, they get tips from vocal coach Ann Hussein and stylist Maria J.


Syed Azmir, 21, a National Service vehicle driver
Rank: No 1 (based on the semi-final overall rankings)

VOICE: He has got the total package. Apart from his style and looks, his voice has a nice rich tone, said vocal coach Ann Hussein. But she added that he tends to get out of breath. He impressed the judges during the semi-final with his rendition of the '80s pop song Kau Pergi Jua. However, Azmir lost out to his fellow finalist, Khairil, in terms of viewers' votes. He received just over 2,500 SMSes. Viewers' votes contribute to half of each finalist's scores, while the judges' scores account for the rest. So Azmir declared: 'I'm going to work hard.'

IMAGE: He's the smooth R&B prince. On being compared to Singapore Idol winner Taufik Batisah, Azmir said: 'I respect Taufik as an artiste, but I'm not following his style.'If I try to be different, then I won't be 'me' anymore.' Local stylist Maria J revealed that Azmir loves to deck out in white, which is also Taufik's colour of choice. She pointed out: 'Azmir has to go for something different if he wants to stand out.' Fans have asked for his phone number from his family and friends. 'I've even heard of someone posing as my girlfriend.'


Khairil Yusoff, 22, an ITE graduate in aerospace engineering
Rank: No 2

VOICE: He has an old-school rock soul, but he needs to be more versatile.' As a singer, you get booked for shows and you've to sing different types of songs,' Ann told him. Khairil was criticised by the judges during the semi-finals for his poor rendition of the pop ballad Mengapa Harus Cinta by Malaysian singer Vince. He confessed: 'I didn't like the song, so I couldn't sing it very well.' But I've learnt from my mistake and will put 100 per cent into any song in future.' Despite that, Khairil got the most viewer votes - over 3,000 SMSes. He admitted: 'I felt guilty. I felt I don't deserve to be in the final. But I thank the viewers for giving me a second chance.'

IMAGE: He's a macho man. Maria revealed: 'Khairil prefers the classic suits. I'm getting him to dress his age and look more funky.' These days, the 1.6m tall Khairil has to powder his nose and look picture-perfect in public - an aspect of fame he clearly doesn't enjoy. He lamented: 'My sister makes fun of my wearing makeup, the way I used to tease her.' But female fans have not flocked to him. 'I've been keeping a low profile.'


Khairul Anuar, 20, a Singapore Polytechnic student in media and communications
Rank: No 3

VOICE: He has a high-pitched voice, and needs to expand his range. 'His voice is unique. But he sings in only one tone,' said Ann. Khairul sang Menaruh Harapan by female singer Zaiton Sameon during the semi-finals and garnered over 2,000 votes from viewers. Some viewers have slammed his voice. 'I'm human and I get hurt. But I told myself to be strong and accept it as part and parcel of show business.'

IMAGE: Khairul said people call him 'the hat guy' on the streets. On his love for hats, he said: 'I'm inspired by Michael Jackson.' His style is metrosexual, but Maria said he needs to project a stronger masculine image. That means pastel colours are a no-no for him. Maria added: 'He has to wear deep colours like maroon and purple so that he looks more macho.' He has lost a few kilos juggling his studies, the school's drama club and his participation in Anugerah. 'I'm trying to have the best of three worlds,' he chirped.


Fauzie Laily, 20, Temasek Polytechnic student in Internet & Computing
Rank: No 4

VOICE: He may sing from his heart, but he must perfect his technique. Said Ann: 'He has to learn how to glide from one note to another smoothly. 'Fauzie will commit his weekends to improving his singing. And he's not discouraged despite being at the bottom of the list, with just over 1,800 votes from viewers. He was ousted in the earlier rounds of Anugerah in 2003. He said: 'I feel relieved that I got into the finals. I aim to do better next time.'

IMAGE: He has been labelled a bad boy, maybe because his spiky hairdo is inspired by the contestants on Rock Star: INXS. But he says that's not his real personality. During the retreat, he was overheard cracking jokes with his fellow finalists. Maria said: 'He carries clothes well. He's not afraid to try anything new.' Fauzie is getting used to being in the limelight. He recalled: 'Once, when I was out, I overheard some people saying that I'm trying to get more exposure.' But he's not taking the snide remark to heart, he said.

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